Editor: Rev. Abbot +David Michael, MEd, MS, DD, ThD

PO Box 443, Bowie, Arizona 85605

Glentivar Village Press as an independent publisher is a nonprofit guided by the Orthodox Brothers of Theophilos of St Michaels Abbey of  Hebrew-Celtic Orthodoxy in serving Messiah Yeshua in these end times.  Our origin as an Order began with the Order of the Culdee as a Hebrew-Celtic Rite that has served in a Papal Prelature (CAC/IO).  We later evolved into Jesus Abbeys in covenant with an Eastern Rite Syro Chaldean jurisdiction embraced by Pope John Paul II in 1985 but not embraced by later Popes.  Being orphaned since that time, we have watched, seen and heard many revelations from YHWH and Yeshua about the future.  Sadly we have watched how the world has changed to socialism and the church has become blinded by greed. The Lord Yeshua appeared to us and told us we had to distance ourselves from the Luciferian Jesuit controlled Vatican.  

What we provide in our books is our best understanding of what is to come in the near future upon America and the world.  It is not scripture and must be weighed against all Canon of scripture before it can be trusted.  We have tried to do this but we do lack absolute objectivity since are immersed in its influence as the receivers of these revelations.

The complete Prophets I-IV Four Book Series is now offered on a USB drive for $16.  That's only $4 for a 300 page book!   This amazing deal is over a $70 value.  Shipping is FREE!  This book series provides over 1200 pages of vital information on how-to survive the coming apocalypse on earth.  These books may also be purchased on Amazon as Kindle books for a little more.  

Send $16 cash, check or money order to St Michaels Abbey for this Prophets I-IV 4 book series on USB drive.

4 Book Deal
St Michaels Abbey
PO Box 443
Bowie  AZ 85605

Prophets I

By Abbot David Michael, ThD

Published 2017
6" by 9" with 302 pages with Numerous Illustrations

        Some call us an Outlaw group but we are not.  We do follow the laws of YHWH and not the laws of Men. Our gathering and brotherhood began in 1968 within the Jesus Freak communes with an emphasis on prophecy and miracles. Today, we are 2nd and 3rd generation sons of the prophets. In 1986, we were recognized within a Syro-Chaldean rite church under the oversight of Pope John Paul II as a Personal Prelature called the Order of the Gate of the Temple of Jerusalem that evolved into the Orhtodox Brothers of Theophilos.
        Included in this volume are 69 dreams, visions and prophecies about how to survive what is coming upon America in these end times. Soon, economic collapse, starvation, epidemics, natural disasters and war will hit America. This is a must read book for Peppers, Christians and anyone who wants to survive the judgment that is coming on America.

Prophets II
By Abbot David Michael, ThD

Published 2017
6" by 9" with 307 pages with Numerous Illustrations

        This is the second book in the Prophets Series that further reveals 59 more dreams, visions and prophecies given to the Theophilos Prophets for surviving global collapse in America. Mobility and brotherhood is key to God's plan for the true church. Getting off the gold, oil and money standards are mandatory with easily mobile food farms as the only viable survival and barter item.
        The notion of defending your homestead against marauders and NWO/UN military forces is suicidal. Get the real survival solution as revealed by YHWH for his faithful people before it is too late and death consumes you and your loved ones. This is a must read for Preppers, Christians and anyone who wants to survive the soon coming collapse of America.
Prophets III
By Abbot David Michael, ThD

Published in 2018!
6" by 9" with 300+ pages with Numerous Illustrations

        This is the third book in the Prophets Series further reveals many more dreams, visions and prophecies given to the Theophilos Prophets for surviving global collapse while living in America. Much effort is to try to bbring true believers in YHWH and his Son Y'Shua back to the faith experienced in Jerusalem prior to 50 AD.  The first 20 years of the Church is really the only true church with most churches being founded after this date being greatly influenced by Hellenism which later became the Roman and Orthodox churches.
         Read about the faith of the church of Johannine in Jerusalem prior to the Pauline influence to understand the beliefs of the original Hebrew Christian church that kept the Saturday Sabbath and the Sabbath holy days.    

        This book is a rewrite of four prior books in combined in a single volume.  The books rewritten include, Alien Invasion, Draconian NWO, Nephilim Wars and Melchizedek Arises sold as individual copies below.
Prophets IV
By Abbot David Michael, ThD

Published in 2018!
6" by 9" with 300+ pages with Numerous Illustrations

        This is the forth book in the Prophets Series that further reveals many more dreams, visions and prophecies given to the Theophilos Prophets.  It includes many new articles and the faith and practice of this Order with a focus on basic theology.  Many of these articles are also drawn from the 4 prior books that have now been withdrawn in a effort to update the relevant information for true believers to be better ready for what is coming upon the world.  
         We have discovered that we cannot give dates to coming events since God himself does not follow dates but gives revelation as a sequence of events.  As one event is completed, the next may begin where the calender year is not very relevant.  Many thought 2012 was the crashing year, then 2015 (we thought this), then 2017 and now we are at the end of 2018 at the writing of this book.  Now its 2021.   This book in the series will provide the rest of the foundation in faith as an answer to the world when they come to you and ask, "Why is all this disaster happening?"  

Prophets V
by Abbot David Michael ThD

Published in early 2021!

6" by 9" with 300+ pages with Numerous Illustrations

Prophets V is currently being written as a highly illustrated "How To" book on making devices and systems to best survive the coming holocaust in America and in many other parts of the world. It will include many new dreams, visions and prophecies that have been given tothe Theophilos Prophets since the publishing of the Prophets IV book.

Field Manual
Knights of YHWH

Updated - 2nd Edition - Expanded by 40 pages.

By Abbot David Michael, ThD

 5" by 6" with 116 pages with numerous illustrations

        A small easy to carry manual for the field for the warriors of YHWH also called the Knights of YHWH now in the second edition available.  This Field Manual is for those who are determined to use the force of arms against the NWO as Constitutionalists, Theists and Revolutionaries in the tradition of the Sons of Liberty.  This book clearly explains how to strategically win a military conflict against an extremely superior force with no to few casualties. Included in this book is the proven method for resistance as a loosely organized  "Army of Stealth Snipers" as proven effective in resisting the Russian Armies and the US and NATO Armies in the long standing conflicts in Afghanistan.          
      This book was written as the result of years of
prayer and research in seeking to discover a way to be effective if one chooses (is called by YHWH) to physically resist with the force of arms.  As a priest and a former military endorsed chaplain, Abbot David has asked YHWH for the solution to be able to convey an answer to those seeking God's protection as professional military engaged in just wars.    
        This Field Manual provides the answer on what to do and what not to do to survive the coming military conflict in America.  It covers stealth and survival techniques in the wild in adapting a horse for transport to avoid an overt 'human' signature picked up by many recon-electronics that are now used in the field.  If you are to take up arms against the coming NWO/UN invasion, this book may save your life and the lives of those you love and seek to protect.

Making , Playing and Composing
on the 10 Stringed Lyre Harp

By Abbot David Michael, ThD

  8.5" by 11" with 66 pages


    This is the only book in print that provides detailed step by step instruction to even the novice in making, playing and composing on the ancient 10 stringed Lyre-Harp. This harp called a Kinnor by the Israelites dates to the time of King David and has been an instrument of importance for over 3000 years in many cultures.
    This simple construction method in fully explained steps with lots of pictures reveals the secret theory behind how resonance is designed and created in an instrument. This is a must have books for any stringed instrument maker whether they are just beginning or advanced in their skills.

Dove Prophecies

By Abbot David Michael, ThD

 5" by 6" with 116 pages


        The Dove Prophecies book is a compilation of all the studies and prophecies of Abbot David Michael as relating to the Native American and how they are involved in the saving of the true remnant of the faithful in America.  Abbot David has visited with the elders and shaman of the Hopi and also has been visited by the Native Elders who have passed on who are aligned with YHWH or YaHuVeHa in these end times.  
        If you have a mission to the Native American, this is  MUST READ as the information revealed in this book cannot be found any place else.  This is the plan of YHWH that brings together the Native prophecies of the 7 Fires, the two Blue and Red Kachina prophets who would come before the return of the white brother "Pahana" as the Messiah looked for by Native Americans.
        It also explains how the woman of the Tribes will become the driving force that brings the tribal people back to the God of their Forefathers (YHWH) and in this, the land may then be healed and protection provided by YHWH against the NWO who seeks the genocide of all Native Americans who do not enslave themselves to their agenda.  



Healing with Musically Charged Water
By Dr. David Michael, MS, ThD

Manual (6" by 9") with Professional Water Charging Device
Proposed kit price $95.00

    This price of $95 is for a healing kit with included healing manual titled, "Healing with Musically Charged Water" that is packaged with an electronic  proprietary device that enables anyone to charge simple water with frequencies in making healing remedies.  The book provides an in depth study of the scientific theory behind music frequency healing as dominant language of biological cells.  It is believed this East-West science based system may take the place of drugs in duplicating chemical 'drug' frequencies in simple water without the common side effects of many toxic drugs. 
      The electronic device was created in a rare merger of Chinese herbal science with modern medicine where East meets West in Hawaii.  The device is small and self powered by battery thus easily portable where a healing practitioner may carry the device in a Doctor' bag along with his or her healing assortment of herbs and conventional drugs.  This innovative 'infusion' device is used by first  testing the weak frequencies in the body and then placing the needed remedy in line with the sensor.  Dosage and substance is then modified until there is a balance in energy from the appropriate  meridian pathways.  This assures healing applying the right substance and the right dosage.  This is truly an innovative device used by licensed MD's and Herbal doctors alike.

Curse of the Nephilim: Deliverance from Demons

By Abbot David Michael, ThD

  6" by 9"

Coming soon in 2021!

        The Tabernacle of David is prophesied to return to the true believers in the last days as a testimony in the reuniting of Judah and Ephraim (10 tribes).  The Seven Steps as reflected in the 7 pieces of furniture of the Tabernacle are the seven steps for deliverance from demons.  The Tabernacle is a reflection of the Temple in Heaven as the Throne of YHWH.  
        Demons are the disembodied evil spirits of the Nephilim who were spawned from fallen angels and human women. For us, this path has become our weekly fellowship gathering each week as we together walk through the steps of reconciliation and pray for one another to YHWH through Y'Shua.  Demons cannot stand this walk of power that causes them to fear and leave the oppressed and even the possessed.  
        In the Tabernacle of David is reflected the 7 parts of the Armor of YHWH which includes the, 1) cloak of holiness, 2) the helmet of Salvation, 3) the breastplate of righteousness, 4) the belt of truth, 5) the shoes of peace, 6) the shield of faith and the 7) sword of the Spirit.   

My Life and Call
Abbot +David Michael

A prophet was I called,

on Mt Zion at age of 12.
With music as my sword,
and faith as my shield.

I lived in frontier Oregon,
and cared for horse and cow.
Spent many nights a sleeping,
by the stream and on the mount.

In school I was most brazen,

yet to college I was sent.

Excelled with degrees a-plenty,
then a professor for 20 years sent.

Ordained a Deacon cleric,
in the Syro-Chaldean faith,
Then ordained an Episcopal Priest,
to serve the C.A.P.

Then received the mantle of Bishop,
in the Orthodox-Catholic domain.
These accolades I count as a beginning,
to now seek the real Jesus way.

Then rejected by carnal fathers and
banned from the synod of Bishops.
My words cut too deep I was told
Now to exile I have been driven.

At 10,000 feet I live,
to the high Rockies I did turn.
As a prophet I did begin,
To a prophet I must return.

With llamas in the high mountains,
making harps and knives my trade.
To the Native and the angel,
a 'windwalker' some they say.

Glentivar now my humble home,
In the land of Anasazi fame.
Here I sit at heaven's gate,
to fight with unbending faith.

Others may come and join me,
in this prophet and angel place.
Come ready to live in freedom,
in the wilderness, a heavenly place.

Bring your tipis, tents and trailers,
to Glentivar's native lands.
And hear the voice of Creator,
to tell us of His awesome plan.

Into the mountains is the spirit-quest,
to find your call most dear .
Alone in the Rocky Mountains,
will remove all nagging fear.

The mantle I wear for mountain stays,
to dwell in sacred grottoes of praise.
The birds they sing the songs I play,
as God meets me there each day.

Llamas up granite peaks I chase ,
the mountains they call them there.
I slowly climb - a shepherds fate,
and bring them home to care.

Living more as a pilgrim race,
freed from Mammon's binding chains.
I seek only to be in Creator' place,
to live and serve his way.

Breaking the bonds of Catholic strife,
to embrace the loving Jesus faith.
Now I live a simpler life,
the one Creator gave.

So come you weary pilgrim,
to the land above the mist.
My heart is ever seeking love,
so as to embrace you with a kiss.

Seeking Original Works
Glentivar Village Press is seeking to publish original works from authors who seek to expose the rise of the New World Order and provide for the equipping of YHWH warriors who can confront evil in the higher dimensional realms.  If you are writing such a book, please contact Abbot David at info@glentivar.org

New works soon to be published:

Battle Harps

Lyre Harps made by
Abbot David Michael.



Battleharp Music: http://battleharp.com

Proof the Anasazi Culture (800- 1200 AD) is both Celtic and Native
  1. Hebrew Decalogue (10 Commandments) found in Los Lunas, NM. dating to before 1200 AD.  More Here.
  2. Hebrew-Celtic bishops wore Eastern styled crowns as seen in Anasazi petroglyphs - not Roman mitres.  More Here.
  3. Evidence of iron smelting dross in Anasazi dumps, saw marks in timber in ancient Anasazi castles and Anasazi method  used in building in stone was also used by the early Celts.  Click Here.
  4. Ogam writing found in various places in the 4-corners area referring to the throne of a Celtic 'King' predating the 12th century.  Click Here.

The contents of this page is private property and may be used by written permission only.  APRIL 2010-21